TRYLA has successfully empowered and nurtured many young people over the years to become the next generation of leaders. Throughout the five days, individuals are encouraged to explore their values and personality styles to develop teamwork, communication and overall leadership skills. TRYLA not only prepares young people for constructive and responsible community involvement; it also provides the tools to achieve a more successful professional and personal life.  

Set against the backdrop of a beach, a whaler docked to the side and cabins lining the step climb along the face of the hill facing the sea, AAMO participants were exposed to the challenges and wonders of the TRYLA programme.  This is the second year that TRYLA has included international participation through the network of AAMO. MIM offered sponsorship for the Programme Fees for one participant from each AAMO Member Organisation and 2018 saw participations from India, Hong Kong, and Pakistan.

AAMO Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong