AAMO Office Bearers & Secretariat

The Organization of AAMO comprises Assembly, Council and Operational Office. The Officers of AAMO include President, Vice-President and Head of Operational Office.

AAMO Operational Office

There is a permanent AAMO Operational Office and its location is decided by the AAMO Assembly on recommendation of the AAMO Council. Currently the AAMO Secretariat Office address is as below:

The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong


AAMO President

Mr S K Cheong, Vice Chairman, HK Television Entertainment Co Ltd

Mr CHEONG Shin Keong is the Vice Chairman of HK Television Entertainment Company Limited (ViuTV). He is an Independent Non-Executive Director of Bossini International Holdings Limited (stock code: 0592) and is a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of Bossini. Mr Cheong also served as a Non-Executive Director of Purapharm Corporation Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 1498). He was the General Manager and an Executive Director of Television Broadcasts Limited (stock code: 511) from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019.

Having served at Television Broadcasts Limited in a top management role for over 30 years, Mr Cheong has extensive experience in the media, advertising and marketing industries. He contributes actively to the professional development of marketing in Hong Kong through leading marketing industry bodies. In addition to his three decades long contributions to the HKMA, he was active for many years at the Chartered Institute of Marketing during the formation of its Hong Kong branch and was its former Chairman of the Hong Kong Regional Board.


AAMO President is the most senior office bearer and representative of AAMO. The AAMO President is the nominee of an Ordinary Member and is appointed by the AAMO Assembly upon recommendation of the AAMO Council. AAMO President is appointed for a period of three years and should an AAMO President not complete his/her three-year term, his/her office is assumed for the unexpired period by another nominee of the Ordinary Member who nominated the President in the first instance, subject to the concurrence of the AAMO Council and the approval of the AAMO Assembly. The responsibilities of the AAMO President include:

  • Chairperson for meetings of the AAMO Assembly and Council;
  • Extension and progression of the work of AAMO;
  • Providing leadership to the work of AAMO;
  • Providing direction to and overseeing the functions of AAMO Operational Office.
  • Promoting and taking a leadership role on behalf of AAMO in all international and other external relationships; and
  • Ensuring that a major regional AAMO Conference or similar event is organized by the Ordinary Member responsible for his/her nomination as AAMO President , during the tenure of his/her Presidency.
  • The AAMO President is an ex-officio member of all committees, working groups and others of similar persuasion.

The term of office of the AAMO President may be terminated upon his/her resignation, or by decision of the AAMO Assembly. Pending Council Meetings, the President is authorized to take appropriate decisions and subsequently report the same to the Council at the next meeting.

Head - AAMO Operational Office

The Head of AAMO Operational Office provides the administrative and support resources for the effective operation and function of AAMO and acts as directed by the President of AAMO. The AAMO Operational Office is accountable for all purposes to the AAMO President. President receives all support by the Ordinary member holding the Presidency which also nominates the President. The President from time to time issues instructions to the Head of Operational Office to ensure smooth functioning of the organisation.

The responsibilities of the Head of AAMO Operational Office include but are not limited to, the following:

  • Managing the AAMO office in an effective manner and providing secretariat and administrative support for all meetings of the AAMO Assembly, AAMO Council and other committees, working groups and others as may exist from time to time;
  • Preparing operating budgets, financial and other reports for meetings of the AAMO Council and the AAMO Assembly;
  • Invoicing and collecting AAMO subscriptions and other income and disbursing AAMO funds and transferring assets as may be authorized by the President and providing proper accounting therefore;
  • Maintaining and preserving all papers, minutes, documents, files, ledgers, microfilm and other records;
  • Co-ordinating co-operative activities of members in the region including relevant non-members who may be interested in co-operative activities;
  • Promoting exchanges of information, data, experience and expertise relating to management in the region;
  • Preparing and issuing regional publications, including regional newsletter, research studies, brochures, pamphlets, lists, bibliographies and other such list arising from the activities of AAMO; and
  • Carrying out such other tasks and duties as may be assigned by the AAMO President.

The appointment of the Head of AAMO Operational Office may be terminated by resignation or by decision of the AAMO Council in which event the NMO providing the outgoing Head of AAMO Operational Office will be requested to nominate a substitute replacement for approval by the AAMO President.

AAMO Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong