
AAMO 1st Council Meeting 2024

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) hosted the Asian Association of Management Organisation’s (AAMO) 1st Council meeting 2024, which took place from 24 to 26 February in Hong Kong. On 24 February, the event started with a welcome dinner hosted by HKMA. On 25 February, the Council meeting took place with attendance from Hong Kong, Macau, India, Malaysia, Nepal, and Pakistan. Additionally, the CEO/ED meeting was combined with the Council Meeting, during which representatives from AAMO member regions shared their perspectives on attracting more regional management organisations to join AAMO. The day ended with a farewell dinner was hosted by AAMO at Tao Heung Training Restaurant where members also visited the Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture. On 26 February, members visited the local production facilities of ViuTV, followed by a dim sum lunch at The Dynasty Club hosted by the HKMA.

AAMO Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong