
Asian Association of Management Organization’s (AAMO) held its 2nd Council Meeting of 2019 and 8th Annual General Meeting on 23-25 October 2019 in Sydney, Australia. AAMO representatives, including those from Macau, India, Australia, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal and others, gathered to discuss the current and future plans of the organization.

India took over the Presidency of AAMO from Malaysia at this meeting and nominated Mr Rajive Kaul, Past President, All India Management Association & Chairman, NICCO Group as President. The AAMO Secretariat which rotates with the Presidency will now be handled by All India Management Association (AIMA) for the next three years.

AAMO representatives focused on working out a road map to take AAMO forward and enhance its scope. It was decided to extend the reach of AAMO within the region by inviting more countries to join this elite group including Thailand, Bangladesh, Singapore, amongst others, with reinvigorated efforts. Member countries also charted out avenues for closer collaboration between the National Management Organizations to create more platforms for sharing best management practices.

An MoU was also signed between the Management Association of Nepal and Institute of Managers and Leaders, Australia, to work together on imparting training programs to Nepalese Industry.

AAMO Secretariat
The Hong Kong Management Association
14/F, Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Hong Kong